
Drei Tage eintauchen ins Swingtanzen mit motivierenden Teachern und lebensfrohen Menschen ist grossartig. An den Kursen und an den fröhlichen Parties mit super Band geniessen und dabei immer wieder Neues lernen zu können, ist eine perfekte Flowerfahrung.


It is difficult to describe it. It’s just something to experience. I could completely disconnect from the “troubles” of the everyday life and feel completely relaxed. After a couple of days I still feel the benefits of it and I am definitively looking forward to the next.


Such a great atmosphere with the lovely hosts Larissa and Heiko! Amazing teachers and a fun crowd to learn and party together with - topped with some specials like conquering the river Rhine together - a festival to remember :-)


My first time visiting Basel Switzerland, I was very impressed. First thing I noticed was they dance everything, Lindy hop, Shags, one step, two step and some Balboa, as I played music just to warm up it’s one of the few places the dancers from lowest to highest levels changed dances according to tempo.

A handful of cities do all these dances and do them well, but I’ve never seen entire "class groups" change and adapt using all them as a way to easier social dance, I think we are going to see some swingin box steps on the floor now as well.

I just had to post and give a little credit to these Basel dancers.


I really love being in a place where you could basically dance all swing dance styles. Community were very open for this idea of multiple styles and self expression in dance. Keep the good work like this, an amazing place to be. Thanks a lot family.


Great organization of the workshop, everything worked out just like it should. One could see that the workshop was planned to form true jitterbugs and expand your level and knowledge in all dances. I would definitely come back for more.


Super organisierter Workshop mit kleinen Klassen und sehr wichtigen Inputs. Ein Format, bei welchem jeder Tänzer etwas lernen und mitnehmen kann. Man merkt, dass die Teilnehmer offen und interessiert sind: Sehr positive und angenehme Stimmung während den Kursen und an den Parties! Herzlichen Dank für das schöne Wochenende!
